Hi Hand Petter,
In my opinion, a format for publishing policy proposals belongs to a technical standard rather than a policy.
Good point! I agree.
Making this an IETF standard would make it too complicated IMHO. I could of course declare this the Steffann Standard Format 🤣 but I’d like this to stay in control of the RIRs and their communities though.
Looking at https://ftp.ripe.net/pub/stats/ripencc/RIR-Statistics-Exchange-Format.txt, that one is extended by: “Extensions to this format may be made by mutual agreement among the participating registries.”
I like the simplicity of that. Would the NRO be willing to take the task of defining the format among its members? No complex process, just simple friendly cooperation.
If you look at the JSON schema examine, you can already see that I put "$id": "https://schema.nro.net/rir-proposal-exchange", in there ;)
How about: - the NRO defines the format - I volunteer to drive the effort, working with the PDOs to make sure the format is a sensible starting point - once the initial format is defined, I submit proposals to the RIR communities to publish their policy proposals in this format - changes to the format are done with mutual agreement, based on community feedback, same as the RIR stats files
Would that work?
Cheers! Sander