Hi Filiz,
Is this an acceptable answer from Zoom Support? Are you okay switching to Chrome, or using other means for audio?
On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 3:09 AM Susannah Gray susannah@apnic.net wrote:
Dear ASO AC,
Please find below a short update on the following open action item:
- Action 191002-01: GV to open a support ticket with Zoom regarding the
recurring issue of no microphone option being available for some users upon joining and report back to the ASO AC on progress.
German opened a ticket and, after some discussion, received the following response:
*--- "For your information, only Chrome web browser supported join with computer audio for meetings. So please advise your customer to join your Zoom meeting via Chrome web browser and choose join with computer audio. Further explanation can be found here > **Zoom Web Client"*
This can be discussed further in the open action items section during Wednesday's teleconference.
Kind regards,
-- Susannah Gray NRO Secretariat Supportwww.nro.net
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