Apologies on the delay. Please find attached the revised text.
Observing ASO AC Meetings
Anyone may observe any in-person or teleconference meeting of the ASO AC, excluding any portion of such meeting designated as a closed session.
In general, those who are not members of the ASO AC may only passively observe ASO AC meetings and may not participate in meetings by speaking or, in the case of teleconference meetings, using their microphone, their camera, or the group chat feature.
The following are exceptions to the foregoing general rule:
The ASO AC particularly welcomes and invites participation from the following in an individual or organizational capacity: NRO EC ICANN Board Members or Staff RIR Staff and Chairs IANA/PTI Staff
If you or your organization is specifically mentioned during a meeting in connection with a particular issue, and you can speak to the issue in an official capacity, the ASO AC Chair may give you the opportunity to provide input. Any other individual or organization may send a request to the ASO AC Chair to participate, which request may be granted or denied at the Chair’s discretion.