Please find for your review minutes of 2 February 2022 teleconference.
New action items from this meeting:
New Action Item 220202-1: The Secretariat to publish the final version of the 2021 ASO AC Work Plan Review as it appears in the ASO wiki.
New Action Item 220202-2: The Secretariat to publish the final version of the ASO AC Work Plan for 2022 as it appears in the ASO wiki.
New Action Item 220202-3: The Secretariat to publish the final version of the Annual Transparency Review report 2021.
New Action Item 220202-4: ASO AC members willing to volunteer and be part of the core team that will work on the review of the ASO AC Procedures to confirm their participation. Deadline: meeting to be held on 9 March.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 9 March 2022 Regards German Valdez