Dear all,
Thanks Sander, Jorge. Having clear and complete information is always useful.
I don't think the ASO website is the good one to provide the access to the current regional policy proposals: it has in my opinion to be focused on global policies. On the other side the NRO website (https://www.nro.net/) has a section dedicated to implemented regional policies.
Best regards
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : Sander Steffann sander@steffann.nl Envoyé : mardi 11 avril 2023 15:35 À : Jorge Villa villa@reduniv.edu.cu Cc : AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Re: Policy proposal overview
Hi Jorge!
On 11 Apr 2023, at 15:00, Jorge Villa villa@reduniv.edu.cu wrote:
HI Sander, how are you?
All good, thanks. You?
Many thanks for compiling all the active policy proposals in the repositories of the five RIRs. I'm watching version 2.0 (fixing an issue with last change information, and in the case of LACNIC it included some abandoned proposals). Now it's almost perfect. My only suggestion is to order the list by RIRs instead of doing it by last change information. I think the code is ready.
I’ll add sorting, good suggestion!
It only needs to be run on a regular basis to reflect the last updates.
It updates every 30 minutes automatically :)
Is it possible to get this tool running on the ASO website or other public instance?
This one is public and hosted by the Global NOG Alliance, of which I am a board member. The code is public on https://github.com/nogalliance/policy_proposals, so everybody can run it. I'm perfectly happy with the NRO/ASO/etc running a copy if people think it’s useful.
Next step: get the RIRs to export this data in a standard format, so I can stop screen scraping. I guess that would be a Globally Coordinated Policy ;)
Cheers! Sander
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