The proposed time slots look good to me. Thanks Ozan for preparing! As Ricardo said, next step will be to build an agenda.
I don't have additional topic items to add as yet. The operational procedures review will need good time, which can extend into Wednesday and/or Thursday.
Regards, James
On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 7:51 PM Ricardo Patara via AC-DISCUSS < ac-discuss@aso.icann.org> wrote:
Hi Hervé.
I agree with the initial arrangements for the agenda.
It will on us to fill up the "blank" on those 5 work slots we have. And we can do this latter.
On 24/01/23 17:21, herve.clement@orange.com wrote:
Dear all,
Please find below the agenda shared by Ozan:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OHsS4jzhMPUM6k02nZi3jycXLrzeQ5M0KeCx... < https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OHsS4jzhMPUM6k02nZi3jycXLrzeQ5M0KeCx...
There are 3 ASO AC slots on Monday afternoon and 2 on Tuesday morning.
We’ve a first look with Nicole and Ricardo and thought that
- the very first slot will be dedicated to a welcome introduction and general info w/r ASO AC next activities.
The ICANN NomCom Outreach Subcommittee is requesting to meet with the ASO for a 5 min presentation and are requesting to confirm the slot for 16:30 – 16:35 on Monday 13 March.
There will be the joint meeting with the ICANN Board Wednesday morning.
The Wednesday afternoon slot will start with an IANA presentation and discussion (around 15 minutes). This slot could be dedicated then with a discussion with the NRO EC.
The rest can be reserved for the operational procedures review.
I have 2 questions.
- Ozan told us that he wanted the general planning fixed on January 27^th . Is the one available via the link above ok for you ?
- Have you any additional comments/corrections to our proposed more precisely ASO AC activities ?
Thanks !
Best regards
Nicole, Ricardo and Hervé
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