And the AFRINIC community
From: herve.clement@orange.com herve.clement@orange.com Sent: Wednesday, 01 March 2023 15:21 To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] TR: [ripe-list] ASO Call for Nominations to 2024 ICANN NomCom
Dear all,
Just to confirm that the call for nomination to NomCom has been shared within the RIPE Community.
Orange Restricted
-----Message d'origine----- De : ripe-list <ripe-list-bounces@ripe.netmailto:ripe-list-bounces@ripe.net> De la part de Ulka Athale Envoyé : mercredi 1 mars 2023 11:55 À : ripe-list@ripe.netmailto:ripe-list@ripe.net Objet : [ripe-list] ASO Call for Nominations to 2024 ICANN NomCom
This message is sent on behalf of the Number Resource Organization (NRO)
------------- The full text of the announcement is available at the NRO website: https://www.nro.net/aso-call-for-nominations-to-2024-icann-nomcom/https://www.nro.net/aso-call-for-nominations-to-2024-icann-nomcom
------------------------------ ASO Call for Nominations to 2024 ICANN NomCom ------------------------------
The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) is pleased to call for nominations for candidates from the Internet Number Community to run for an open seat on the ICANN NomCom 2024 as delegates of the ASO.
The Nominating Committee (NomCom) is responsible for appointing a number of seats to the ICANN Board of Directors, the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC), and the Councils of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) and the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO).
The term for the elected delegate will be one year starting in the Annual General Meeting ICANN 78 in October 2023. Specific criteria and requirements regarding the NomCom composition and NomCom delegates are outlined in Article 8, Sections 8.2 and 8.4 of the ICANN Bylaws: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article8https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article8
------------------------------ Important dates ------------------------------
The ASO AC will be responsible for the selection of the delegate based on the following timeline: - Announcement of call for nominations for 2024 ICANN NomCom: Wednesday, 1 March 2023 - Nomination period ends: Tuesday, 25 April 2023 - Evaluation of nominations by the ASO AC: Wednesday, 3 May to Wednesday, 17 May 2023 - Voting period by the ASO AC: Thursday, 18 May to Wednesday, 24 May 2023 - Results reported internally to the ASO AC: Thursday, 25 May 2023 - Announcement of selected delegate: around Friday, 26 May 2023
Nominations should be sent to secretariat [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org by 25 April 2023 at 23:59 UTC, along with answers to the following questions (all of which are mandatory): 1. Have you read the time commitment for the NomCom and are you willing to commit the time required to fulfil this role? 2. Have you been part of a Nomination Committee in the past with ICANN or with any other organization? 3. Please describe your involvement in your RIR community. 4. Please describe your involvement in the ICANN community. 5. Please briefly share why you would like to join the NomCom as the ASO AC appointee.
Additionally, all candidates must provide their background in the Internet industry. A CV is not mandatory but recommended.
For more information about the required knowledge, skills, and abilities, eligibility requirements, key responsibilities, and time commitment, please see the following announcement: https://aso.icann.org/aso-call-for-nominations-to-2024-icann-nomcomhttps://aso.icann.org/aso-call-for-nominations-to-2024-icann-nomcom
Sent on behalf of the ASO AC
The ASO Secretariat
Kind regards,
Ulka Athale Senior Communications Officer RIPE NCC
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