Hi all,
I had still this information in my mailbox that the ICANN org had shared (thanks! ).
It followed the meeting between the GAC and the NRO EC in San Juan (ICANN 79) on Sunday before our work sessions.
In its ICANN 79 Communique the GAC included the following text about the ASO and ICP-2 work.
- Regional Internet Registries The GAC appreciates the information received from the ASO concerning AFRINIC, and welcomes the fact that AFRINIC continues to serve the African region despite the current circumstances. However, GAC members expressed concern about the situation and the impact it may have on the distribution of number resources in Africa. The GAC understands that there are legal constraints to providing full transparency on the ongoing legal procedures, and welcomes receiving further updates regarding AFRINIC governance. The GAC took note of the announcement that the ASO is considering to initiate a review of the Criteria for Establishment of New Regional Internet Registries (ICP-2)3 and is looking forward to receiving future updates on this important process, including how interested GAC members can take part.
- IPv6 The GAC recognizes the need for accelerated deployment of the IPv6 protocol and looks forward to continuing discussing with relevant ICANN constituencies any policy options to incentivize and to expedite the adoption of IPv6.
Best regards
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