Apologies for the delay, here is a draft agenda for tomorrow teleconference. Feel free to suggest additions or changes in the list of topics
0. Welcome 1. Agenda Review 2. 2023 ASO AC Chair Election Results 3. 2023 ASO Vice Chairs Appointments 4. Review Open Actions 5. Approval Minutes December 2022 6. ASO AC Procedures Review Update 7. 2023 ASO AC face to face Meeting Update 7. 2023 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule 8. 2022 ASO Work Plan Review 9. 2023 ASO Work Plan 10. Annual Transparency Review 11. Form the Policy Proposal Facilitator Teams (PPFT) 12. AOB
1. Adjourn
Updated Action Item 221025-2: Esteban L., James K, and Jorge V. to start working on the ASOA AC slide deck for ICANN 76.
New Action Item 221207-1: All ASO AC members will have two weeks to review the proposals shared by the Procedures Review Team so that the Team can consolidate a Procedures Review document to work on in early 2023.
New Action Item 221207-2: German V. to circulate the proposed 2023 ASO AC meeting schedule to incoming members. Barring any concerns, the schedule will be approved as of 20 December.
New Action Item 221207-3: German V. to prepare the schedule for the 2023 NomCom appointment, which needs to be approved in January 2023.
Zoom Details:
Topic: 2023 ASO AC Teleconferences Time: January 11, 2023 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join with the meeting link: https://apnic.zoom.us/j/94441429335?pwd=M0hEWmpzVTF4dlZ5S1lpUXJjOWorUT09 Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335 Password: 739543 If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/adzjwY7j60