Welcome James!!!
From: AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org On Behalf Of Louie Lee Sent: Tuesday, 25 May 2021 23:06 To: Nurani Nimpuno nurani@nimblebits.net Cc: ASO Address Council Public Discussion List ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Fwd: [ripe-list] May 2021 NRO NC Election Results
Thank you for the update, Nurani.
Welcome, James! Looking forward to working with you.
And a big thank you to you, Filiz, for your many years of contribution to the ASO Address Council.
On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 8:02 AM Nurani Nimpuno <nurani@nimblebits.netmailto:nurani@nimblebits.net> wrote: Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasure to inform you that James Kennedy has been elected to the NRO NC, replacing Filiz as the representative for the RIPE community on the ASO AC. James will begin his term on 1 June 2021.
Please join me in welcoming James to the ASO AC!
I would also like to extend a very warm thank you to Filiz for her great contributions and her longstanding service on the ASO AC. You will be greatly missed on the ASO AC!
Kind regards, Nurani
Begin forwarded message:
From: Hans Petter Holen <hph+announce@ripe.netmailto:hph+announce@ripe.net> Subject: [ripe-list] May 2021 NRO NC Election Results Date: 21 May 2021 at 15:11:04 CEST To: ripe-list@ripe.netmailto:ripe-list@ripe.net
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that James Kennedy has been elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC), following Filiz Yilmaz's decision to step down from her seat as of 31 May 2021.
James will begin his term on 1 June 2021 and his term will end on 31 December 2022.
Details on the election process and the NRO NC are available online: https://www.ripe.net/participate/internet-governance/internet-technical-comm...https://www.ripe.net/participate/internet-governance/internet-technical-community/nro/nro-nc/nro-nc-nominations-may-2021
We would like to congratulate James on his election to the NRO NC.
Best regards,
Hans Petter Holen Managing Director RIPE NCC
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