Hi German, thanks for the update.
I am okay with the proposed timeline.
regarding you comments bellow:
Another important aspect to have in mind, Easter festivities in 2022 starts with Good Friday on 15 April. Depending on people cultural backgrounds and customs we could have members on holidays on the week before during the deliberation period and when the ASO AC must meet to review the accumulated documentation of each candidate or during the week after which coincides with the voting phase. IN any case any member affected should plan accordingly or changes in the timeline should be adopted now before publication.
I think is a reasonable concern.
for the deliberation we would have two weeks and we might pre schedule two meetings in advance (1st and 2nd wed in that two weeks period), and use them if needed.
so we could adjust our calendar accordingly in advance.
for voting, I don´t think it would be a bigger issue as it is an asynchronous action and it would be a matter of one to reserve a couple of minutes in that 7 calendar days time frame.
Em 13/09/2021 07:38, German Valdez escreveu:
Just a reminder of the proposed timeline for seat 10.
Please let me know if you have any comments or concerns.
Based on this proposed timeline we should making an call for nomination announcement this Wednesday (15 September)
*From: *AC-DISCUSS ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of German Valdez german@apnic.net *Date: *Friday, 10 September 2021 at 3:02 pm *To: *ASO Address Council Public Discussion List ac-discuss@aso.icann.org *Subject: *[AC-DISCUSS] Revised ICANN Board Seat 10 Election Timeline
Following discussion of the last ASO AC teleconference here is an updated timeline. By checking the ASO procedures the below changes are included
- New nomination period ends on December 1^st , as suggested in the teleconference
- Comment phase ends at the same time that the Interview Phase (30 March 2022)
- Interview phase has a maximum of 60 calendar days. I took as reference the ending day of the original proposal so it starts now on 29 January 2022
- As consequence of the change of the start of the interview phase the comment phase, as per procedure, should start 30 days before so now is scheduled for 30 December 2021.
We have now a gap between the conclusion of the nomination phase and the start of the comment phase of almost a month (1 – 30 December), there is enough time to adjust outreach activities or prepare the interview phase.Nomination phase should be at least 60 calendar days so can be extended as much as we want, if you decide to do so.
– Nomination Phase: Wed 15 September 2021 – Wed 1 December 2021 – Comment Phase: Thu 30 December 2021 – Wed 30 March 2022
ICANN Due Diligence for nominated candidates:
– Interview Phase: Sat 29 January 2022 – Wed 30 March 2022 – Selection Phase (deliberation): Friday 1 April – Sat 16 April 2022 – Selection Phase (voting): Tue 19 – Mon 25 April 2022 – Announcement of selected candidate: around Sat 30 April 2022
Another important aspect to have in mind, Easter festivities in 2022 starts with Good Friday on 15 April. Depending on people cultural backgrounds and customs we could have members on holidays on the week before during the deliberation period and when the ASO AC must meet to review the accumulated documentation of each candidate or during the week after which coincides with the voting phase. IN any case any member affected should plan accordingly or changes in the timeline should be adopted now before publication.
Looking forward to receiving your feedback and comments
References from the ASO procedures
*9.4.3. Nomination Phase*
The period of the nomination phase must be at least 60 calendar days
*9.4.5.Comment Phase*
The period of the comment phase will be at least 30 calendar days plus the amount of time required to conduct the interview phase…. The comment phase will conclude at the same time as the interview phase.
*9.4.6. Interview Phase*
The period of the interview phase is a maximum of 60 calendar days and commences 30 days after the start of the comment phase.
*9.4.7. Selection Phase*
The period of the selection phase will be at least 14 calendar days. It will start at the close of the interview phase. At the start point, the AC will meet to evaluate all of the candidates. It will review all documentation accumulated for each candidate
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss