Hi all,
In case you could be interested in.
-----Rendez-vous d'origine-----
De : Ram Mohan <rmohan@identity.digital>
Envoyé : dimanche 10 novembre 2024 08:00
À : Ram Mohan; aheineman--- via soac-chairs; Hans Petter Holen; Alvaro Alvarez; Amanda McMillen;
brian@pir.org; calderon.alfredo@gmail.com;
chris.chapman@board.icann.org; Chris Disspain; Courtney Stuart;
don@i2.org.nz; joly.nyc@gmail.com;
judy@pir.org; kbarr@glenechogroup.com;
kristy.buckley@icann.org; Kroopa Shah;
maem@nic.ad.jp; manal@tra.gov.eg;
mariana.marinho@icann.org; mcknight.glenn@gmail.com;
pconstable@microsoft.com; Patrick Donaldson;
richard.schreier@cira.ca; rinalia.abdulrahim@gmail.com;
rwilhelm@pir.org; sally.newellcohen@icann.org;
sarmad.hussain@icann.org; sghuter@nsrc.org;
steve@shinkuro.com; wentworth@isoc.org;
atharwat@tra.gov.eg; dusan@dukes.in.rs;
jen@dot.asia; lane@isoc.org;
lars.steffen@eco.de; michele@blacknight.com;
rich@themerds.com; sabrina.wilkinson@cira.ca
Cc : Alejandra Reynoso Barral; Jeff Osborn; CLEMENT Herve INNOV/NET
Objet : Invitation: CODI Meeting: Room Yıldız 2 @ Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:30am - 4:30am (EST) (kbarr@glenechogroup.com)
Date : dimanche 10 novembre 2024 00:30-01:30 (UTC-08:00) Pacifique (É.-U. et Canada).
Où :
Alejandra, Hans Petter, Herve and Jeff,
At dinner on Friday, I shared that I'm building a Coalition for Digital Inclusion.
Here are the details for the meeting I'm hosting later today to build this Coalition for Digital Inclusion (CODI).
Please attend if you can, or share with people in your groups who might be interested to learn how we can add language as a key part of Digital Inclusion.
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