ac-discuss [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org
This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived.
I have a counter proposal for option 2.Option A: We update the web site text to match the proposed text of option 2OrOption B: we use the web site text in our procedural change.I have no preference just, don’t want different text in our procedures and in the mailing list description.More detailed proposal below:Option A:Use option 2 text and update our website to match:[1] - ac-discuss mailing list. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived. This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations.And for the web site:“ac-discussac-discuss [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org
This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived.
- subscription open to ASO AC members and RIR/ICANN/IANA staff observers
- posts by ASO AC members and designated RIR, ICANN and IANA staff
- publicly archived”
Option B:Use the text from our web site:[1] - ac-discuss mailing list. Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.For reference ————————-Here is what is posted on the website:“ac-discussac-discuss [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org
Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.
- subscription open to ASO AC members and RIR/ICANN/IANA staff observers
- posts by ASO AC members and designated RIR, ICANN and IANA staff
- publicly archived”
On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 7:27 AM Aftab Siddiqui <> wrote:Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing in the ASO website_______________________________________________"ac-coord" has been referenced 4 times in ASO-AC operating procedures.=============4.4.1. Nominations
Nominations for the positions of Chair for a particular year must be posted on the AC-COORD mailing list no earlier than 00:00 UTC on 1 December and no later than 24:00 UTC on 14 December of the preceding year. Self-nominations are allowed. Nominations must be seconded by another eligible voter. Confirmation of interest from nominated candidates must be posted on the AC-COORD mailing list no later than 31 December at 24:00 UTC.7.3. Time Constrained Appointment Requests
The AC Chair may decide to make the appointment by eVote after discussion on the ac-coord mailing list, in order to meet appointment deadline.
8.2. eVote
The AC Chair may decide to hold an eVote after a 7 day discussion on the ac-coord mailing list. eVotes will follow the procedures described in our PROCEDURES TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO VARIOUS BODIES sections 7.4 except as follows in section in the next section:==============I suggest the following 2 optionsOption 1: Replace "ac-coord" with "ac-discuss"Option 2: Remove "ac-coord" from all 4 references and only mention mailing list along with numbered reference i.e. [1] and at the end clarify the referenceFor Example.7.3. Time Constrained Appointment Requests
The AC Chair may decide to make the appointment by eVote after discussion on the mailing list [1], in order to meet appointment deadline.....[1] - ac-discuss mailing list. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived. This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations.Regards,
Aftab A. Siddiqui
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.