Hi Brajesh, how are you?
I know that your region have SANOG and PACNOG, but APRICOT is the general technical conference of the Asia Pacific region, that usually is scheduled jointly with APNIC meetings. That’s why in my list of meetings to be considered as exceptions, I’m only including NANOG.
But anyway, my friend, we can discuss it more in detail each time if it really worth it.
De: Brajesh Jain bcjain1@gmail.com Fecha: martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019, 10:04 a. m. Para: Jorge Villa villa@reduniv.edu.cu CC: Nurani Nimpuno nurani@nimblebits.net, Louie Lee louie@louie.net, "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Asunto: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] DRAFT: ASO AC Work Plan for 2020
@ Jorge
Thanks for your response. In respect of Asia Pacific, there are 2 regional NOGs PACNOG and SANOG which are outside APNIC meetings. Hence I suggested to keep it limited to RIRs, 3 ICANN meetings and one IGF meeting.
With regards to all
Sent from my iPhone
On 10-Dec-2019, at 8:00 PM, Jorge Villa villa@reduniv.edu.cu wrote:
Hi Nurani, how are you?
The purpose of this thread is trying to avoid conflicts for future AC meetings with other relevant meetings that we know in advance. We want to all the AC folks can be able to attend to each meeting of the year.
Unfortunately, this time, both LACNIC meetings are in conflict with the default ASO AC meeting schedule (using the first Wednesday of each month). All the LACNIC representatives has some other responsibilities during the LACNIC/LACNOG meetings (as you may have seen when you have visited us). It might happen with the representatives of all regions, in their respective regional meetings. I think that avoiding this conflict is good for the group, and it’s easier to move an AC meeting than an RIR meeting. If we can do a good planning during the previous year, it will work for everyone during the next year.
Brajesh, when I added the Regional NOGs to the suggestion of the meetings list, I was thinking specifically in NANOG that is not celebrated jointly with ARIN, as we make in other regions. Usually, the ARIN representatives are attending to NANOG too.
De: ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org en nombre de Nurani Nimpuno nurani@nimblebits.net Fecha: martes, 10 de diciembre de 2019, 7:59 a. m. Para: Brajesh Jain bcjain1@gmail.com CC: Louie Lee louie@louie.net, "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Asunto: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] DRAFT: ASO AC Work Plan for 2020
I think that’s fine for this year. But I don’t think we need to start defining what meetings we should avoid a conflict with more than that, for any future meetings. I suggest we strive to be pragmatic in our scheduling.
At the end of the day, people need to commit to the ASO AC meetings, but we also have other commitments in our communities. (Which is the reason we are elected on to the ASO AC by our communities in the first place.) And the objective with our scheduling is to optimise the ability for people to to do both.
My 2 cents.
Kind regards,
On 10 Dec 2019, at 05:15, Brajesh Jain bcjain1@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,
I feel we should keep list to
Sent from my iPhone
On 10-Dec-2019, at 1:22 AM, Louie Lee louie@louie.net wrote:
Hi folks,
Based on Jorge's feedback about the meeting calendar next year, I'm updating the draft 2020 work plan. Original text of the meeting schedule item:
5. Set the timetable for the year’s meetings The date and time of the January meeting should have been set during December of the previous year. In January, set the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of the meetings of the year. To:
5. Set the timetable for the year’s meetings In January, set the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of the meetings of the year. In December, set the date and time of the January meeting for next year. In December, draft and review the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of next year. For the January meeting (#1), I didn't put a reminder to avoid the 1st week of January.
Should I add a line in #3 to say "Conflicts with these meetings should be avoided when possible: RIR, ICANN, IGF, regional NOGs."? I don't necessarily want to burden the group with avoiding conflicts with smaller NOGs since they don't typically impact the attendance of a substantial number of ASO AC members.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 5:58 AM Louie Lee louie@louie.net wrote:
Thank you for all those who reviewed the draft 2020 work plan and provided feedback today. Since there was quite a few pieces of feedback (plus, I caught more errors with 2019 vs 2020 vs 2021), I'm sending an update.
And if you would rather comment or suggest an update directly, you may go to the Google Doc version directly. Just remember that you must be logged into your Gmail (or GSuite) account to see existing comments and suggestions for changes that have not been accepted yet. Also, others may not see your comments & suggestions if they are not posted on the mailing list separately.
ASO AC Work Plan for 2020 Appoint the ASO AC Chair and Vice Chairs Early in January of the new year, hold an electronic vote for the Chair for that year. (The list of candidates and the voting timetable, should have been finalized during December of the previous year.) At the January meeting, confirm the election result. At the January meeting, the Chair should invite two Vice Chairs. The ASO AC would confirm the appointment. If there was a change in leadership from the previous year, then update the aso-chairs@ mailing list, and notify the relevant ICANN parties. Review ASO AC mailing lists At the beginning of the year, review the lists of subscribers. Determine if we need to review mailing list policies, procedures, subscription guidelines, etc. Review ASO AC Members Personal Profile At the beginning of the year, ASO AC members need to review their personal profile published on ASO website. Personal profile must have employer details and all relevant volunteer affiliations. Form the Policy Proposal Facilitator Teams (PPFT) In January, appoint PPFT members for Global Policy Proposals (GPP), and review the definition of “global policy”. Set the timetable for the year’s meetings The date and time of the January meeting should have been set during December of the previous year. In January, set the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of the meetings of the year. Adopt the ASO AC Work Plan for 2020 In January, adopt the work plan for the year. The work plan should have been drafted by a volunteer selected at the end of the previous year. Begin the appointment process for the ICANN Board Seat No. 9 Review and finalize the appointment process. Determine the time frame for the selection process. Send out the call for candidates. Form committees as the procedure dictates. Appoint members to the ICANN NomCom and other groups as required Perform outreach to seek candidates for an ICANN NomCom representative. In June, begin the process to appoint the ICANN NomCom representative. Participate in RIR Global policy process and tracking of ongoing Global Policy Proposals (GPPs) The Policy Proposal Facilitator Team will help the ASO AC determine if an RIR policy proposal can potentially be a GPP. If so, the PPFT will track the proposal through each region’s PDP. And produce a report for the ASO AC to help assess if the requirements are met. The ASO AC will forward the GPP to the ICANN Board along with the AC’s assessment of the GPP. Update ASO AC Operating Procedures, as needed Participate and conduct outreach efforts at ICANN Meetings At every ICANN meeting, plan for attendance by as many ASO AC members as possible. At the first ICANN meeting of the year, hold an ASO AC face to face meeting with attendance by as many ASO AC members as possible. At ICANN meeting(s) that coincide with an ASO AC face to face meeting(s), hold public meetings for reporting and outreach from the numbers community to other parts of the ICANN community. Develop the content based on the make-up of the audience. Hold discussions with the ICANN Board and other ICANN groups. Identify topics and start scheduling early to minimize conflict. Provide regular updates to the Numbering communities Present ASO activity report at RIR meetings during the year. The ASO AC report should include, among other things, the ASO AC Meeting attendance record by all members. Review the ASO AC activities for the current year In November, call for an AC member to volunteer to prepare the Activity Review of the work that was accomplished over the year. The draft should be circulated prior to the December meeting for comments and discussion. Review should include the effectiveness of activities of PPFT members. In December, accept the ASO AC 2020 Activities Review. Draft the ASO AC Work Plan for 2021 In November, call for an AC member to volunteer to draft the ASO AC Work Plan for the following year. The draft should be circulated in December for consideration and adoption in January. Review all the ASO AC appointments made to different ICANN committees and working groups. Review for sufficient reason for each appointment to continue. If there is enough reason, then check with the current appointee if he/she wants to continue; otherwise, appoint a new candidate. If there is not enough reason, then terminate the appointment and notify the relevant group. Define the term for each appointment and review the terms. Review the transparency of AC’s work In November, review what went well and what improvements can be made with the transparency of the ASO AC in terms of meetings (full, subgroup/committees), mailing list, etc. Make adjustments as necessary. Complete review of ASO Review recommendations related to ASO AC Set the date and time for the January meeting for the following year In December, set the date and time of the first meeting of the following year. Begin to set the timetable for 2021 meetings In December, consider the dates and times for the meetings for the following year. By October, set a place and date for a face to face meeting in the following year of the entire ASO AC. Begin the process for selecting the ASO AC Chair for the following year. In the December meeting, determine the timetable and election schedule. In December, call for nominations & seconds, and finalize the list of candidates.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 3:40 AM Brajesh Jain bcjain1@gmail.com wrote:
Hello Louie and all,
I suggest to change the para 7 as below.
With regards
7. Begin the appointment process for the ICANN Board Seat No. 9
1.Review and finalize the appointment process.
2.Determine the time frame for the selection process.
3.Send out the call for candidates.
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 12:48 PM Louie Lee louie@louie.net wrote:
Here is the draft of the 2020 work plan. The major difference from last year is that we will begin the ICANN Board appointment process for Seat 9. I've tried to incorporate the comments received during our working session in Nov.
ASO AC Work Plan for 2020 Appoint the ASO AC Chair and Vice Chairs Early in January of the new year, hold an electronic vote for the Chair for that year. (The list of candidates and the voting timetable, should have been finalized during December of the previous year.) At the January meeting, confirm the election result. At the January meeting, the Chair should invite two Vice Chairs. The ASO AC would confirm the appointment. If there was a change in leadership from the previous year, then update the aso-chairs@ mailing list, and notify the relevant ICANN parties. Review ASO AC mailing lists At the beginning of the year, review the lists of subscribers. Determine if we need to review mailing list policies, procedures, subscription guidelines, etc. Review ASO AC Members Personal Profile At the beginning of the year, ASO AC members need to review their personal profile published on ASO website. Personal profile must have employer details and all relevant volunteer affiliations. Form the Policy Proposal Facilitator Teams (PPFT) In January, appoint PPFT members for Global Policy Proposals (GPP), and review the definition of “global policy”. Set the timetable for the year’s meetings The date and time of the January meeting should have been set during December of the previous year. In January, set the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of the meetings of the year. Adopt the ASO AC Work Plan for 2020 In January, adopt the work plan for the year. The work plan should have been drafted by a volunteer selected at the end of the previous year. Begin the appointment process for the ICANN Board Seat No. 9 Determine the time frame for the selection process. Send out the call for candidates. Form the Qualification Review Committee. Appoint members to the ICANN NomCom and other groups as required In June, begin the process to appoint the ICANN NomCom representative. Participate in RIR Global policy process and tracking of ongoing Global Policy Proposals (GPPs) The Policy Proposal Facilitator Team will help the ASO AC determine if an RIR policy proposal can potentially be a GPP. If so, the PPFT will track the proposal through each region’s PDP. And produce a report for the ASO AC to help assess if the requirements are met. The ASO AC will forward the GPP to the ICANN Board along with the AC’s assessment of the GPP. Update ASO AC Operating Procedures, as needed Participate and conduct outreach efforts at ICANN Meetings At every ICANN meeting, plan for attendance by as many ASO AC members as possible. At the first ICANN meeting of the year, hold an ASO AC face to face meeting with attendance by as many ASO AC members as possible. At ICANN meeting(s) that coincide with an ASO AC face to face meeting(s), hold public meetings for reporting and outreach from the numbers community to other parts of the ICANN community. Develop the content based on the make-up of the audience. Hold discussions with the ICANN Board and other ICANN groups. Identify topics and start scheduling early to minimize conflict. Provide regular updates to the Numbering communities Present ASO activity report at RIR meetings during the year. The ASO AC report should include, among other things, the ASO AC Meeting attendance record by all members. Review the ASO AC activities for the current year In November, call for an AC member to volunteer to prepare the Activity Review of the work that was accomplished over the year. The draft should be circulated prior to the December meeting for comments and discussion. Review should include the effectiveness of activities of PPFT members. In December, accept the ASO AC 2019 Activities Review. Draft the ASO AC Work Plan for 2020 In November, call for an AC member to volunteer to draft the ASO AC Work Plan for the following year. The draft should be circulated in December for consideration and adoption in January. Review all the ASO AC appointments made to different ICANN committees and working groups. Review for sufficient reason for each appointment to continue. If there is enough reason, then check with the current appointee if he/she wants to continue; otherwise, appoint a new candidate. If there is not enough reason, then terminate the appointment and notify the relevant group. Define the term for each appointment and review the terms. Review the transparency of AC’s work In November, review what went well and what improvements can be made with the transparency of the ASO AC in terms of meetings (full, subgroup/committees), mailing list, etc. Make adjustments as necessary. Complete review of ASO Review recommendations related to ASO AC Set the date and time for the January meeting for the following year In December, set the date and time of the first meeting of the following year. Begin to set the timetable for 2020 meetings In December, consider the dates and times for the meetings for the following year. By October, set a place and date for a face to face meeting in the following year of the entire ASO AC. Begin the process for selecting the ASO AC Chair for the following year. In the December meeting, determine the timetable and election schedule. In December, call for nominations & seconds, and finalize the list of candidates.
On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 2:44 AM Susannah Gray susannah@apnic.net wrote:
Dear ASO AC,
Please find below the draft agenda and open action items for the upcoming meeting on Wednesday, 4 December, at 12:00 PM UTC.
If you have anything to add to the agenda, please let me know.
0 Welcome 1 Roll Call 2 Agenda Review 3 Approval of Minutes - November 2019 4 Review Open Actions 5 2019 Work Plan Activity Review 6 2020 ASO AC Work Plan 7 Annual Transparency Review 8 ASO AC Chair Election Schedule 9 2020 ASO AC Teleconference Schedule 10 2019 ASO AC Appointments Review 11 ICANN 67 prep 12 ASO ICANN Board Procedures Review 13 AOB 14 Adjourn
Open Actions:
- New Action Item 191113-1: ALL to review the notes from the ICANN 66 closed working session and provide feedback, questions and additional comments on the Seat 9/10 Election procedures.
- New Action Item 191113-2: AS to develop a timeline and process for the items outlined in Action Item 191113-1.
- New Action Item 191113-3: AS/GV to inform the ASO AC of sessions of interest to the Numbers community at ICANN 67 as soon as possible.
- New Action Item 191113-4: AS to lead the discussion on the ICANN 67 ASO AC session agenda and scheduling over the next three teleconferences.
- New Action Item 191113-5: HC to circulate the Draft 2019 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review before the December teleconference.
- New Action Item 191113-6: LL to circulate the draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan before the December Teleconference for finalization in January when the new ASO AC is in place.
- New Action Item 191113-7: AS to circulate the draft Annual Transparency Review before the December Teleconference.
- New Action Item 191113-8: Secretariat to set up a Confluence site for the ASO AC.
- New Action Item 191113-9: GV to circulate the draft ASO AC Chair Election timeline and to ask those regions that have not yet appointed members to do so as soon as possible.
- Action 191002-01: GV to open a support ticket with Zoom regarding the recurring issue of no microphone option being available for some users upon joining and report back to the ASO AC on progress.
- Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing list on the ASO website.
Zoom Details: ASO AC 2019 Teleconference Wednesday 4 December 2019 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/262407364
Meeting ID: 262 407 364
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abv6v2k00E ---
Kind regards,