Dear all,
Please find below for information the Webinar organized by the AfriNIC where Kevin and I will present the ICP-2 current questionnaire and consultation.
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Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to register for the “Navigating the ICP-2 Review Process” Webinar.
* Date: 23rd October 2024 * Time: 13:00 UTC * Duration: 1:30 Hrs * Type: Presentation and Discussion * Registration linkhttps://connect.afrinic.net/r/22069fd0b57bba47dc05e1664?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6NzA7fXM6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7czo0OiJzdGF0IjtzOjIyOiI2NzBjZGU2ZDlmZWI1OTIxNjQ1NDMzIjtzOjQ6ImxlYWQiO3M6NDoiNTU2NyI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7fX0%3D&utm_campaign=Planned+RPKI+Service+Maintenance
The Internet Coordination Policy 2 (ICP-2) outlines the fundamental principles and criteria ICANN uses when assessing applications for establishing new Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Originally accepted in June 2001 (read more on the ten fundamental principleshttps://connect.afrinic.net/r/3f1d7eede6fad09587396cfff?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6NzA7fXM6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7czo0OiJzdGF0IjtzOjIyOiI2NzBjZGU2ZDlmZWI1OTIxNjQ1NDMzIjtzOjQ6ImxlYWQiO3M6NDoiNTU2NyI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7fX0%3D&utm_campaign=Planned+RPKI+Service+Maintenance), ICP-2 has provided crucial guidelines for maintaining the accountability and effectiveness of the RIR system.
In October 2023, the NRO EC tasked the ASO AC with two major initiatives to strengthen the RIR framework:
* ICP-2 Implementation Procedures: Assisting the NRO EC in drafting procedures for validating and monitoring ongoing RIR compliance with ICP-2. * Strengthening ICP-2: Managing the process to update ICP-2 in 2024/2025 to provide a more robust accountability mechanism for the RIR system.
This webinar will shed light on the ICP-2 review mechanism, the potential outcomes, and, most importantly, the role that the Internet Community can play in shaping its direction.
Key Takeaways:
* Understand how the ICP-2 review process can enhance the stability and accountability of the RIR ecosystem. * Learn how to participate in the review process through a community-driven surveyhttps://connect.afrinic.net/r/db7d1b5ff1993c284d6697399?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6NzA7fXM6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7czo0OiJzdGF0IjtzOjIyOiI2NzBjZGU2ZDlmZWI1OTIxNjQ1NDMzIjtzOjQ6ImxlYWQiO3M6NDoiNTU2NyI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7fX0%3D&utm_campaign=Planned+RPKI+Service+Maintenance that was launched by the NROhttps://connect.afrinic.net/r/122321134112042825be8b64e?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6NzA7fXM6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7czo0OiJzdGF0IjtzOjIyOiI2NzBjZGU2ZDlmZWI1OTIxNjQ1NDMzIjtzOjQ6ImxlYWQiO3M6NDoiNTU2NyI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7fX0%3D&utm_campaign=Planned+RPKI+Service+Maintenance and seeks feedback on proposed revisions to ICP-2 from 8 October to 19 November 2024.
This webinar is ideal for:
* Community Stakeholders * AFRINIC Members * Internet Governance Professionals
Be sure to save the date and spread the word as your participation is key to making these sessions a success!
Explore the full schedule and learn more about each webinar both previous and upcoming on our Webinar Series Pagehttps://connect.afrinic.net/r/edda8ef07f52057983c0abbba?ct=YTo1OntzOjY6InNvdXJjZSI7YToyOntpOjA7czo1OiJlbWFpbCI7aToxO2k6NzA7fXM6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7czo0OiJzdGF0IjtzOjIyOiI2NzBjZGU2ZDlmZWI1OTIxNjQ1NDMzIjtzOjQ6ImxlYWQiO3M6NDoiNTU2NyI7czo3OiJjaGFubmVsIjthOjE6e3M6NToiZW1haWwiO2k6NzA7fX0%3D&utm_campaign=Planned+RPKI+Service+Maintenance.
We look forward to having you join us for these insightful sessions!
Kind Regards,
AFRINIC Communications
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