*201104-4 *
Apologies for the delay. https://asowiki.atlassian.net/l/c/rXWT8MVz
Aftab A. Siddiqui
On Mon, 1 Feb 2021 at 23:00, German Valdez german@apnic.net wrote:
Draft Agenda for your perusal
Agenda Review
Review Open Actions
Approval Minutes January 2021
ASO AC Virtual Meeting
- ICANN Board Election Update (CLOSED SESSION)
*New Action Item 210113-1: *KB to work with GV to prepare a Doodle poll to define the details for the ASO AC virtual f2f meeting, including potential dates, time commitment availability (i.e., see whether ASO AC members would be able meet for 2, 3 or 4 hours, etc.).
*New Action Item 210113-2*: GV to circulate the 2021 Work Plan to the ASO AC and if there are no changes or corrections publish the Plan on 20 January 2021.
*New Action Item 210113-3*: ASO AC chair and vice chairs to confirm the status of the 2020 Transparency Review and, if it is absent, to write this the review and then circulate it.
*New Action Item 210113-4 *ASO AC to confirm regional representatives to the PPFT.
*Action Item 201104-1: *ASO AC to update the policy slide deck, which will be published towards the end of the year, once the five RIRs have held their meetings.
*Action Item 201104-4*: AS to circulate the draft Annual Transparency Review before the December Teleconference.
Topic: ASO AC January 2021 Teleconference Time: February 3, 2021 12:00 PM GMT
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/92366468202?pwd=UE1XZ01wdnZhbUh1K1cxZm9LYnBVZz09 https://www.google.com/url?q=https://apnic.zoom.us/j/92366468202?pwd%3DUE1XZ01wdnZhbUh1K1cxZm9LYnBVZz09&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw0kD2wsayJ5I0v_5bbQ9ZRX
Meeting ID: 923 6646 8202
Password: 264052
AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss