Thank you. The electronic voting portion is indeed in the last part of the procedures document. However, the document is silent as to whether or not it can be anonymous. I would note that no vote for a procedural change has or should ever be taken in a “private” session or anonymously. 

As far as whether or not we should reset the vote. I’d argue the answer should be no, that it has failed and as a matter of good housekeeping be discussed in a live session of the AC to ensure that if any voices need to be heard as to why they may have voted no (that was me), abstained or declined to vote that they be heard.

Was the secretariat instructed to make the vote private or was it just a innocent misconfiguration?

Warm regards,


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 7:21 AM Aftab Siddiqui <> wrote:
We can vote via email now or have to wait for the next meeting (January 2022) to do a roll call vote. 


Aftab A. Siddiqui

On Tue, 7 Dec 2021 at 19:28, Saul Stein <> wrote:



Perhaps those that didn’t vote could (even if its privately) say why you didn’t vote.

If you are indifferent, there was the abstention option.


It is no good organising another vote if people aren’t going to vote again.


From: AC-DISCUSS <> On Behalf Of Kevin Blumberg
Sent: Tuesday, 07 December 2021 10:19
To: Aftab Siddiqui <>; Martin Hannigan <>
Subject: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Results ASO Procedures Changes Section 6


The e-vote was chosen for simplicity, with a one-week duration it should have given everyone ample time to vote.


I was disappointed, not in the vote itself, but the lack of voting. The procedures set an extremely high bar with 12/15 of ALL members required to vote affirmatively.


I’m not sure why anonymity is required for this vote, or if that has been the historical “norm”.


A good item for discussion.





From: AC-DISCUSS <> On Behalf Of Aftab Siddiqui
Sent: Tuesday, December 7, 2021 1:12 AM
To: Martin Hannigan <>
Subject: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Results ASO Procedures Changes Section 6


 Hi Martin,


Bigger questions transparency wise. 

- why are these anonymous?


Valid point, there is no reason for them to be anonymous but it doesn't restrict them from making it as well. Chairs can make the call.


- what procedure allows for procedure changes by electronic vote?


You can have elections via show of hands during in-person meeting, attendance/roll-call vote during online meeting or evote as well. All 3 are available options to change the operating procedures. You just need 80% majority i.e. 12 votes in favor of the change to make it happen. 



Thanks all,






On Mon, Dec 6, 2021 at 01:38 Saul Stein <> wrote:

Thanks German,

So I guess the question is why didn’t everyone vote?


From: AC-DISCUSS <> On Behalf Of German Valdez
Sent: Saturday, 04 December 2021 10:15
Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] Results ASO Procedures Changes Section 6




Here are the results of the voting to change section 6 of the ASO Procedures.




Votes casted: 13

Yes: 11

No: 1



According to ASO Procedures Section 11 Amendment of Operating Procedures, the changes proposal of section 6 didn’t reach the required support of fourth-fifths of all members of this Council.


Below are the relation of tokens and votes.


prwnc   YES       

k5hsx   ABS       

m42yq  YES       

ydjxi     YES       

by5u6   YES       

797ez   YES       

h99s5   YES       

z577h   YES       

2shkp   YES       

2ei7x    YES       

x27up   YES       

jh8df     NO        

a24ay   YES




German Valdez




11. Amendment of Operating Procedures

These Operating Procedures may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the council or through an electronic vote.  The proposed amendment must receive four-fifths majority support of all members of the Address Council whether at a council meeting or via an electronic vote. Electronic votes will be a minimum of 7 days, but can be concluded as soon as all members of the Address Council register a vote. All amendments to these Operating Procedures shall be approved by the Executive Council of the Number Resource Organization. Proposed amended text must be available for discussion on email for seven days prior to the start of a vote unless all Address Council members are available for a discussion of the amendment.


AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.

AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.