Dear German, all,
Thank you German for sharing this excellent news and for your support regarding the global voting process.
And thanks to the entire Council. We can be particularly proud of the collective work we've performed to agree with these necessary updates. I will explain the core of our proposed modifications to the NRO EC this Tuesday in Hamburg during ICANN 78.
Best regards
Orange Restricted De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : dimanche 22 octobre 2023 18:39 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Results e-Vote for ASO Procedures Review
These are the results of the e-Vote for the ASO Procedures Review
Number of members: 13 Votes casted: 13
All votes were yeses for accepting proposed changes in the ASO procedures.
List of issued tokens. (All voting yes)
RRm4T zeU5K 06Cei TA4I4 GK6K6 B4mQl MZzND EDsMq fgZdw UAVn2 UdUUf VnkzH ZOrTo
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