Thank you Hervé.


Version 2 with the feedback incorporated is attached.







From: <>
Date: Thursday, 1 December 2022 at 1:43 am
To: German Valdez Aviles <>, <>
Subject: RE: Reminder Draft Minutes and Open Actions

Dear all,


Thanks German for sharing.

If I may, 3 remarks in the “20221024….. “ document:









Orange Restricted

De : AC-DISCUSS <> De la part de German Valdez Aviles
Envoyé : samedi 26 novembre 2022 00:43
Ŕ :
Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Reminder Draft Minutes and Open Actions





Just reminder of the draft minutes and list of open action subject for review in next week teleconference


New Action Item 221102-1: Each subgroup of the Procedures Review Team to meet before late November/early December to consolidate all the suggestions and discussions that took place in Belgrade and start working on a concrete proposal for each of the sections of the procedures under review.


New Action Item 221102-2: Germán V. to contact the NRO EC to ask that the names of the RIR Board appointees to the ASO AC so that everyone will have time to prepare for the ASO AC chair election.


New Action Item 221102-3 Germán V. to schedule the onboarding session for newcomers around two weeks after this 2 November ASO AC meeting.


New Action Item 221025-1: The Secretariat to check visa requirements for Mexico (Cancun) in preparation for ICANN 76.


New Action Item 221025-2: Esteban L. to start working on the ASOA AC slide deck for ICANN 76.


New Action Item 221024-1: GV to follow up with the NRO EC about the ASO AC’s concerns re quorum, specifically the current vacancy and the two vacancies that will soon occur in AFRINIC to see what the EC recommends as a way forward for the ASO AC.









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