Hi Ricardo,
Your proposal sounds good.
-----Message d'origine----- De : AC-DISCUSS [mailto:ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org] De la part de Ricardo Patara Envoyé : jeudi 2 septembre 2021 15:12 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Timeline 2022 ICANN Board Election Seat 10
Hi I just want to add something about the nomination phase as discussed yesterday.
Suppose we have an extra set of days for an extension period. This would be used in case we have not reached a "N" number of candidates. The action, after calling the extension, would be reinforce outreach.
Now, suppose we don´t have it. But instead we set a mark for checking the process. For instance, we should check if by Oct 15th we reached "N" number of candidates. If not, we reinforce outreach (same action if we were extending nomination period)
Results should be the same either case.
In my view, the second would be better as it could create less speculations ;-)
Regarding "N" above. We should have at least one candidate from each of the 4 regions eligible. This would be the bare minimum.
A better situation, could be having at least 50% more then that. Lets say 6 candidates (?)
Em 01/09/2021 08:35, German Valdez escreveu:
I'm attaching a first draft of next election cycle for seat 10 of the ICANN Board.
Consider this just a starting point for the discussion. This is merely based on last year public timeline published at https://aso.icann.org/aso-ac-call-for-nominations-for-seat-9-on-the-ic ann-board-of-directors/ https://aso.icann.org/aso-ac-call-for-nominations-for-seat-9-on-the-i cann-board-of-directors/
- Nomination Phase: Wed 15 September 2021 - Mon 15 November 2021 -
Comment Phase: Tue 21 December 2020 - Mon 17 January 2022
ICANN Due Diligence for nominated candidates:
- Interview Phase: Tue 25 January 2022 - Wed 30 March 2022 -
Selection Phase (deliberation): Fri 1 - Sat 16 April 2022 - Selection Phase (voting): Tue 19 - Mon 25 April 2022 - Announcement of selected candidate: around Sat 30 April 2022
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