Hello all, My apologies for not being able to join the call today due to unexpected failure of Internet in the place I happened to be. I would try to make up to go through the minutes. With regards Brajesh
Sent from my iPhone
On 13-Nov-2019, at 2:10 AM, German Valdez german@apnic.net wrote:
Second draft agenda for this week teleconference, please feel free to send additions or suggest changes.
I have advised Aftab that I won't be able to join the call tomorrow. Susannah Gray will be participating on behalf of the Secretariat.
- Welcome
- Roll Call
- Agenda Review
- Review October 2019 Minutes
- Review Open Actions
- Summary of ICANN66 (Seat 9/10 and NomCom selection process review)
- Planning for ICANN67 (Public Policy mockup, Public Session, F2F meeting)
- Workplans a) Draft 2019 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review - Volunteer b) Draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan - Volunteer
- Annual Transparency Review - Volunteer
- Confluence update
- ASO Website Update
- ASO AC Chair Election.
- Reports a) LACNIC 32 b) RIPE 79 c) ARIN 44
- Adjourn
ASO AC 2019 Teleconference Wednesday 13 November 2019 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/335133621
Meeting ID: 335 133 621
Find your local number: https://apnic.zoom.us/u/abv6v2k00E
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