Hi German, I don't have any recollection of saying or hearing or agreeing that it will remain open only for 48hrs but it was mid-night for me so :) what I remember is that we will open the evote after our August call which is on 7th August and will be able to announce the final candidate by 15th August which was also communicated to Carlos.
Anyways, we will stick with our operating procedure.
Aftab A. Siddiqui
On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 7:51 AM German Valdez german@apnic.net wrote:
Based on our discussion in the last meeting and as it's recorded in the minutes the ASO AC agreed to hold a eVote to select the ASO delegate to the NomCom starting on August 7th and keep it open for 48 hours. However our procedures clearly states that evotes must be open for no less than seven days unless all votes are casted. This gives just enough t time to release the announcement on 15 August.
Please let me know if you have any concerns or comments on proceeding with the 7 days period as per procedure.
German Valdez
7.4. eVotes All eVotes must have a scheduled start and end date and time, in a specified time zone. The voting must be open for no less than seven days. Approximately one day before the scheduled end of voting time, each AC member will get an email noting if their individual vote has been recorded, instructions on how to vote, and the total number of votes cast. The election will close at the end of the scheduled voting time or may close early if all AC members have voted. The appointment will be based on a relative majority if more than half of the AC members have voted.
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