I like the idea,
In my opinion, a format for publishing policy proposals belongs to a technical standard rather than a policy.
Hans Petter Holen Managing Director RIPE NCC
On 13 Apr 2023, at 19:41, Sander Steffann sander@steffann.nl wrote:
Hi everyone!
This one is public and hosted by the Global NOG Alliance, of which I am a board member. The code is public on https://github.com/nogalliance/policy_proposals, so everybody can run it. I'm perfectly happy with the NRO/ASO/etc running a copy if people think it’s useful.
Next step: get the RIRs to export this data in a standard format, so I can stop screen scraping. I guess that would be a Globally Coordinated Policy ;)
In preparation for this, I have created a JSON schema for listing policy proposals at https://github.com/nogalliance/policy_proposals/blob/main/docs/exchange-sche.... I understand that parsing a formal schema isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I also created examples for the different RIRs at https://github.com/nogalliance/policy_proposals/blob/main/docs/ :)
Do we have a list of policy development officers (or equivalent) of the different the RIRs? I’d like to propose this as a globally coordinated policy proposal at some point, but before that I want to make sure this is an idea and file format that we can all work with. As I want to avoid any future conflict and confusion in the communication I’d like to contact all the PDOs directly instead of through this list.
I guess this is mostly a question for German and Laureana :)
Cheers! Sander
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