I am on leave this week and up in a cabin in the North with very limited connectivity. I will attempt to attend via zoom if my connection holds up. Nurani
On 23 Feb 2021, at 18:37, Kevin Blumberg kevinb@thewire.ca wrote:
Dar ASO AC Members,
As the Chair of the ASO AC, in accordance with Section 5.3 of the Operating Procedures, I am calling a Special Meeting of the ASO AC.
The agenda of the meeting is listed below.
As with all ASO AC calls, the meeting itself will be open. However as notice to all, the only Agenda item is a Closed Session for ASO AC members.
Zoom details will be sent via the Secretariat.
Date: March 2nd, 2021 Time: Noon UTC Duration: 2 Hours 0. Welcome
- Agenda Review
- Adjourn
Thanks, Kevin Blumberg _______________________________________________ AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss