Hi German, Laureana,
Thanks for the minutes. As usual a very minor correction from my part:
* Page 3, first line of second §, replace “met meet” by for example “shared”.
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : jeudi 2 janvier 2025 13:00 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] FW: Minutes: 4 December 2024 ASO AC Teleconference
Just a friendly reminder to review December 2024 minutes.
From: German Valdez Aviles <german@apnic.netmailto:german@apnic.net> Date: Monday, 9 December 2024 at 10:22 pm To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org <ac-discuss@aso.icann.orgmailto:ac-discuss@aso.icann.org> Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] Minutes: 4 December 2024 ASO AC Teleconference Dear ASO AC
Please find in attachment minutes of last week teleconference for your perusal.
Open Actions
Action Item 240605-3: Hervé C. to prepare a new monthly report on the ICP-2 review and send it to the ASO AC for feedback. Hervé will then send the final version of this report to the EC prior to the next NRO EC meeting. OPEN
New Action Item 241204-1: Germán V. to send an email to ASO AC members with the 2025 ASO AC Chair Election schedule, as well as the relevant procedures.
Next Meeting: Wednesday 8 January 2025
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