I’m attaching draft minutes of this week teleconference and open current open actions.


Next Meeting: Wednesday 2 June 2021.


Open Actions


New Action Item 210505-1: GV to check with ICANN the deadline for submitting the name of the ASO representative selected to serve on the ICANN NomCom and to send the timeline followed previously by the ASO AC when selecting their NomCom representative to the list for the ASO AC to review.


New Action Item 210505-2: GV to invite Pankaj Chaturvedi, current ASO AC appointee to the ICANN NomCom, to the next ASO AC meeting and add his report on the NomCom process this the meeting agenda.


New Action Item 210505-3: KB to draft a brief note to the ARIN Advisory Council saying that the ASO AC had reviewed Draft Policy ARIN-2021-1 and concluded that the proposed changes did not affect global policy.


New Action Item 210505-4: KB prepare a draft agenda for a an ASO AC meeting in September to work on global policy (a potential run-through of the ASO AC global policy procedure and an explanation by policy representatives from each region on their global policy development processes).


Action Item 210407-1: KB to review the timeline for the time-sensitive items on which the ASO AC will work as part of their ‘virtual meeting’ (ASO AC procedures, global policy development process) to present to the ASO AC so they can determine what work needs to be done to prepare for two or three calls to address those specific topics and then schedule those calls




German Valdez