I will not be able to join as I am participating in the GEMS event at the venue.
There is also an rssac dinner and a twnic event today, so Wednesday is a very popular day for events at this meeting.
Hans Petter Holen Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer RIPE NCC
On 4 Mar 2024, at 15:51, NC nicole4532@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks Laureana, German,
I will be there.
Best regards
詹婷怡 律師/ 產業顧問 Nicole T.I. CHAN, Attorney-at-Law/ Industrial Consultant 數位經濟暨產業發展協會 副理事長 Vice Chairperson Digital Transformation Association Mobil: +886-933-154-532
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Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl mailto:sander@steffann.nl>於 2024年3月4日 週一,上午10:30寫道:
We are finalizing the preparations for the ASO dinner on Wednesday.
Our dinner will take place at La Central by Mario Pagán (250 Conventio https://www.google.com/maps/search/g%C3%A1n+(250+Conventio?entry=gmail&source=gn Blvd), just a 2-minute walk from the convention center:
Can I ask that you confirm your attendance today?
Attendance confirmed! Sander
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