I'm attaching minutes of yesterday teleconference for your perusa.
Please note we have some sort of urgent work related to the 2021 ICANN NomCom nomination before the June teleconference in 2 week time.
I'll be sending in the coming hours to the AC-INTERNAL list the record (notes format) of the closed session regarding the changes to the ICANN Board Selection Procedures.
German Valdez
New action items from this meeting:
New Action Item 200520-1 All ASO AC members to review what information should be asked to the ASO ICANN NomCom candidates. Topic to be discussed in the 3 June 2020 ASO AC teleconference and the results be included in the 2021 Nomination Call for ASO Representative to ICANN NomCom.
New Action Item 200520-2 AS to consult with ICANN NomCom the new time commitment for the ASO NomCom representative. Information to be published in the 2021 ICANN NomCom Call for Nomination announcement.
New Action Item 200520-3 AS to inform ICANN NomCom that the appointment of the ASO delegate to the 2021 ICANN NomCom would be around the 2nd week of July.