As we agree in the last teleconference this a draft announcement to be distributed in all RIR regions after the next 24 hours.
Please let me know if you have questions or comments.
2019 Meeting schedule has already the zoom url with the note about the experimental nature of this exercise
German ---
ASO AC Teleconference Open for Observers
In line with the ASO Review 2017 "Recommendation #15 <URL>: “ASO AC meetings should be open to the public, except for discussions regarding the selection of individuals for ICANN roles.", starting on Wednesday October 2nd 2019, all ASO AC teleconferences will be open for observers. However, please note that observers won’t be able to participate during the meeting by speaking or in the chat room.
The ASO AC meets monthly by teleconference generally at the first Wednesday of each month. The ASO AC 2019 meeting schedule is available at<URL>. Remote participation information for observers will be published in the same page around 2 weeks before each teleconference.
ASO Secretariat