15 Mar
15 Mar
9:30 p.m.
Draft Agenda for your perusal
0. Welcome 1. Agenda Review 2. Review Open Actions 3. Approval Minutes February 2021 4. ASO AC Special Meetings 5. AOB
1. ICANN Board Election Update (CLOSED SESSION) * Second Round Interview Evaluation 6. Adjourn
Open Actions
New Action Item 210113-3: ASO AC chair and vice chairs to confirm the status of the 2020 Transparency Review and, if it is absent, to write this the review and then circulate it.
— German Valdez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: ASO AC March 2021 Teleconference Time: Mar 17, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/98219678701?pwd=MEJId1AxdFVpcHgrWGsvVnVoTkIxQT09 Meeting ID: 982 1967 8701 Password: 514407