I have a counter proposal for option 2. Option A: We update the web site text to match the proposed text of option 2
Option B: we use the web site text in our procedural change.
I have no preference just, don’t want different text in our procedures and in the mailing list description.
More detailed proposal below:
Option A: Use option 2 text and update our website to match:
[1] - ac-discuss mailing list. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived. This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations.
And for the web site:
*ac-discuss [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org* This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived.
- subscription open to ASO AC members and RIR/ICANN/IANA staff observers - posts by ASO AC members and designated RIR, ICANN and IANA staff - publicly archived”
Option B:
Use the text from our web site:
[1] - ac-discuss mailing list. Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.
For reference ————————-
Here is what is posted on the website: https://aso.icann.org/contact/aso-mailing-lists/
*ac-discuss [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org* Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available.
- subscription open to ASO AC members and RIR/ICANN/IANA staff observers - posts by ASO AC members and designated RIR, ICANN and IANA staff - publicly archived”
On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 7:27 AM Aftab Siddiqui aftab.siddiqui@gmail.com wrote:
Action Item 190904-3 AS to suggest the term to use to replace the references to the AC-COORD list in the ASO procedures. The wording should match the description of the AC-DISCUSS mailing in the ASO website
"ac-coord" has been referenced 4 times in ASO-AC operating procedures.
4.4.1. Nominations Nominations for the positions of Chair for a particular year must be posted on the AC-COORD mailing list no earlier than 00:00 UTC on 1 December and no later than 24:00 UTC on 14 December of the preceding year. Self-nominations are allowed. Nominations must be seconded by another eligible voter. Confirmation of interest from nominated candidates must be posted on the AC-COORD mailing list no later than 31 December at 24:00 UTC.
7.3. Time Constrained Appointment Requests The AC Chair may decide to make the appointment by eVote after discussion on the ac-coord mailing list, in order to meet appointment deadline.
8.2. eVote The AC Chair may decide to hold an eVote after a 7 day discussion on the ac-coord mailing list. eVotes will follow the procedures described in our PROCEDURES TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO VARIOUS BODIES sections 7.4 except as follows in section in the next section: ==============
I suggest the following 2 options
*Option 1*: Replace "ac-coord" with "ac-discuss"
*Option 2*: Remove "ac-coord" from all 4 references and only mention mailing list along with numbered reference i.e. [1] and at the end clarify the reference
For Example. 7.3. Time Constrained Appointment Requests The AC Chair may decide to make the appointment by eVote after discussion on the mailing list [1], in order to meet appointment deadline. .... [1] - ac-discuss mailing list. This list has public posting restriction and it is publicly archived. This mailing list is used for ASO-AC Operations.
Aftab A. Siddiqui _______________________________________________ AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss