Thanks for the news Hans Petter.
And welcome to the group Constanze! Looking forward to work with you.
On 01/12/23 12:30, Hans Petter Holen wrote:
Hi All, A quick update from Rome:
Please welcome Constanze Bürger who has been elected to serve on the NRO NC/ASO AC until ending in December 2025.
She is replacing James Kennedy who has stepped down when he joined the RIPE NCC, so her term starts imideately.
Hans Petter Holen,
Managing Director and CEO
*From:* Hans Petter Holen hph+announce@ripe.net *Date:* 1 December 2023 at 15:07:00 CET *To:* ripe-list@ripe.net *Subject:* *[ripe-list] NRO NC November 2023 Election Result*
Dear colleagues,
An election to fill one seat on the NRO NC took place during RIPE 87 from 27 November - 1 December 2023. Constanze Bürger was elected to continue the three year term started by James Kennedy in January 2023 and ending in December 2025.
Further information can be found on the NRO NC webpage: https://www.ripe.net/participate/internet-governance/internet-technical-comm...
The other NRO NC representatives from the RIPE region are Hervé Clément and Sander Steffann.
Congratulations Constanze!
Kind regards,
Hans Petter Holen, Managing Director and CEO RIPE NCC
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