Please R.S.V.P to the AC-COORD list (ac-coord@aso.icann.org).
The June 2019 ASO AC scheduled teleconference will be held in 1 week at the following time:
12:00 PM UTC on Wednesday, 5 June 2019 ===========================================
Below you will find general WebEx information.
The Webex will be opened 15 minutes prior to the teleconference to work out any potential technical issues.
* Toll free dial-in numbers are: https://goo.gl/FgJQxn
* If you need to be called, send the following information to
ASO Secretariat <secretariat@aso.icann.org >
- country in which you are located - country code (separate from your own telephone number) - telephone number
When sending in your contact details please verify that they are correct and include the three separate pieces of information specified above.
ASO AC 2019 Teleconference Wednesday 5 June 2019 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join WebEx meeting https://apnic.webex.com/apnic/j.php?MTID=mc1ab257b5dfb19526ff8b9089a5b7d8e
Meeting number: 574 580 692 Meeting password: asoac
Join by phone Global call-in numbers
Access code: 574 580 692
German Valdez