Here is a draft agenda for next week teleconference for your review.


Feel free to suggest any new/changes in the topics






ASO AC Agenda March 8 2023


0. Welcome

1. Roll Call 

2. Agenda Review

3. Review Open Actions

4. Approval Minutes February 2023

5. ASO AC Procedures Review Update

6. 2023 ASO AC f2f Meeting Agenda Review

7. 2023 ASO Work Plan Review

8. RIR Report - APNIC 55

9. Closed Session (IF NEED IT)

10. AOB

11. Adjourn


Open Actions


New Action Item 230201-1: The Secretariat to publish the final version of the 2022 ASO Work Plan Review as circulated by Hervé C.


New Action Item 230201-2: All to review the interim 2023 ASO Work Plan as proposed by Kevin B. during a 14-day comments period. The final work plan will be approved by the ASO AC during the March 2023 meeting.


New Action Item 230201-3: The secretariat to publish the final version of the 2022 Annual Transparency Review report.


Action Item 230111-1: The Secretariat to make the mailing lists more visible on the ASO website and include a list of all non-open (private) mailing lists and publish the list on the ASO website for transparency.


Action Item 221207-1: Hervé C. will share once again the work that has been done by the Procedures Review Team, all ASO AC members will have two weeks to review the proposals shared by the Procedures Review Team so that the Team can consolidate a Procedures Review document which the AC can work on during the f2f meeting in Cancún




Zoom Details: 


Topic: 2023 ASO AC Teleconferences

Time: March 8, 2023 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC


Join with the meeting link:

Meeting ID: 944 4142 9335

Password: 739543

If you wish to join by a Phone Call, please find your local number: