Here is draft agenda for this week teleconference. Feel free to suggest changes/additions
Draft Agenda ASO AC 1 June 2022
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes May 2022 5. ASO Procedures Review Update 6. ASO Appointment to ICANN NomCom Wrap Up 7. RIR reports a) RIPE 84 Report 8. AOB 9. Adjourn
Open action items: New Action Item 220511-1: GV to confirm with AFRINIC when a person will be appointed to take the place of Wafa Z. (whose resignation will take effect on 15 May 2022) on the ASO AC.
Action Item 220309-1: Hervé C.. to start preparing a timeline for the core team (Hervé C., Saul S., Mike S., Sander S., Esteban L., James K. and Ricardo P.) to work on the review of the ASO AC Procedures. OPEN – Changed from Mike S. to Hervé C.
Germán Valdez
Topic: 2022 ASO AC Teleconferences
Time: June 1, 2022 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
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Meeting ID: 974 5079 2648
Password: 604127
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