Please see draft agenda for your review for next week teleconference
Draft Agenda November 2023
0. Welcome 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Review 3. Review Open Actions 4. Approval Minutes a) October 2023 Teleconference 5. ASO AC Procedures Review Update 6. ICANN Board Elections Update 7.- ICP-2 a) Montevideo Meeting Logistics 8. Meeting Report a) ARIN 52 Update 9. AOB 10. Closed Session (IF NEEDED) 11. Adjourn =====================
Open Actions New Action Item 231011-1: All to define the composition of the QRC via the mailing list within one week.
New Action Item 231011-2: Hervé C. to send to Kevin B. the slide deck they had recently shared at AIS.
Updated Action item 20230911-1: As soon as the period for candidate acceptance closes (15 December), the ASO AC to set up times for special meetings for deliberating after the last round of interviews with the candidates to the ICANN Board. OPEN
Action item 20230911-2: The Secretariat to start creating the 2024 ICANN Board election wiki page (a sanitized version of last year’s questionnaires and reports for this year’s election). ONGOING
Action item 20230911-3: Each ASO AC member to read and review historical documents (questionnaires, reports, etc.) related to the ICANN Board elections to obtain a better understanding of what needs to be changed. ONGOING