Thanks German,
Ok on my side.
De : German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net Envoyé : mardi 3 décembre 2024 11:00 À : ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] 2025 ASO AC Chair Election Voting Days
As per section 4.4.4 of our procedures the ASO AC must agree the day and time for the vote of ASO AC Chair on its December meeting.
Considering the proposed 2025 ASO AC draft teleconference schedule, I’d like to propose to run the voting from Monday 6 January through Monday 13 January 23:59 PM UTC
The topic is part of the agenda for this week teleconference.
4.4.4. Election Procedure for Chair The Secretariat shall oversee the election of the Chair. Nominations shall be posted to the Internal Mailing List no earlier than 00:00 UTC on 1 December and no later than 24:00 UTC on 14 December of the preceding year. Any member of the Address Council may nominate any other member for the position. Self-nominations are allowed. Nominations must be seconded by another member. A nominated candidate must accept the nomination by posting to the Internal Mailing List no later than 31 December at 24:00 UTC. At its December meeting, the Address Council shall establish the day and time of a vote to elect the Chair, which shall be conducted using the ballot process in Section 7.2.
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