3 Feb
3 Feb
8:03 p.m.
This is a first draft of the agenda for this week teleconference
Please feel free to send any comments or suggestions
0. Welcome 1. Agenda Review 2. Review Open Actions 3. Approval Minutes January 2020 4. Seat 9/10 Election Procedures Review 5. ICANN 67 Preparation a) ASO AC f2f Agenda b) ASO AC Week Activities 6. 2019 ASO Work Plan Review 7. 2020 ASO Work Plan 8. Annual Transparency Review 9 AOB 10 Adjourn
ASO AC Teleconference Wednesday 5 February 2020 12:00 pm (NOON) | UTC | 2 hrs
Join Zoom Meeting https://apnic.zoom.us/j/372431028
Meeting ID: 372 431 028
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