Dear Hans Petter, all,


Thanks Hans Petter for sharing and your kind words.

Thanks also to the RIPE NCC Executive Board for its trust.

And thanks finally to the NRO EC and the ASO AC: it has been really a pleasure to collaborate with you till now, and I’m very happy to continue this journey as the next months/years appear to be challenging but exciting.


Best regards





Orange Restricted

De : Hans Petter Holen <>
Envoyé : jeudi 23 novembre 2023 12:10
À : NRO Executive Council <>
Cc : ASO AC Discussion List <>
Objet : [AC-DISCUSS] Re-appointment of Hervé Clement to the NRO NC


Hi All,


Just a quick note to announce that the RIPE NCC Executive Board unanimously agreed to re-appoint Hervé Clement, noting they were pleased with his work during his previous terms as the Board-appointed representative on the NRO NC


The Minutes from the meeting have been published at:


Resolution EB#171-R-01
The RIPE NCC Executive Board appoints Hervé Clement to the Number Resource Organization Numbers Council (NRO NC), representing the RIPE NCC service region. Hervé Clement’s term will begin on 1 January 2024 and end on 31 December 2026.



I would also like to extend my thanks to Hervé for the good work he has done, and I am looking forward to working with you for another three years.



For the replacement of James Kennedy, who stepped down from the NRO NC when he started working for the RIPE NCC as Chief Registry Officer, there will be an election by the community in the next weeks RIPE87 in Rome.




Hans Petter Holen
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer


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