Based on Jorge's feedback about the meeting calendar next year, I'm updating the draft 2020 work plan. Original text of the meeting schedule item:
5. Set the timetable for the year’s meetings
- In January, set the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of the meetings of the year.
- In December, set the date and time of the January meeting for next year.
- In December, draft and review the timetable (dates and times) for the rest of next year.
For the January meeting (#1), I didn't put a reminder to avoid the 1st week of January.
Should I add a line in #3 to say "Conflicts with these meetings should be avoided when possible: RIR, ICANN, IGF, regional NOGs."? I don't necessarily want to burden the group with avoiding conflicts with smaller NOGs since they don't typically impact the attendance of a substantial number of ASO AC members.