Please find in attachment the minutes of the May ASO AC Teleconference for your perusal.
Updated Action Item 230313-1: Hervé C. to check with each RIR when a policy proposal is marked as global and whether it is vetted before it comes to the ASO AC. Also, to check what are the next steps once a policy is marked as global. Hervé C. to compile all the answers in a document and share it with the ASO AC. ONGOING
New Action Item 230503-1: Hervé C. to reply to the NRO EC that the venue selected for the second 2023 f2f ASO AC meeting is APNIC 56 (Kyoto).
New Action Item 230503-2: All Procedures Review working groups to upload their texts to the wiki. All members of the AC to read the texts proposed for the different sections and provide comments on the wiki by 18 May.
New Action Item 230503-3: Germán V. to look for the documents related to the calculations from when the AC decided to use the Schultze counting method for ICANN Board elections and send these documents to Kevin B., who will share with the others what his concerns are re the abuse of instant run-off voting in cases where the number of voters is low.
Action Item 230111-1: The Secretariat to make the mailing lists more visible on the ASO website and include a list of all non-open (private) mailing lists and publish the list on the ASO website for transparency. ONGOING
Germán Valdez