I expect that I could also stay a few days after the ICANN board workshop, which is scheduled for 19 to 21 January 2024.
Alan Barrett
On Tue 7 Nov 2023, 00:11 Christian Kaufmann, ck@minxs.net wrote:
The ICANN Board meets before, apparently in the same location. So I guess I could stay 2 days longer, if this is wanted and helpful.
PS, not sure about Alan, so I let him answer for himself:-)
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On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 17:22, Nicholas Nugent <nick@nicknugent.com <On+Mon,+Nov+6,+2023+at+17:22,+Nicholas+Nugent+%3C%3Ca+href=>> wrote:
So, will the ICANN Board, NRO EC, or RIR legal staff be in Montevideo on January 29-30? Or will it just be the ASO AC?
I understood that we originally chose the 22nd and 23rd because the ICANN Board was meeting on the 21st and 22nd in Montevideo.
*From:* German Valdez Aviles german@apnic.net *Sent:* Thursday, November 2, 2023 7:25 PM *To:* ac-discuss@aso.icann.org *Subject:* [AC-DISCUSS] ASO AC Montevideo Meeting Dates
We have realised that we have a clash with ARIN’s activities for the scheduled 22 and 23 January meeting in Montevideo.
Is there any issues if we push the meeting one week forward, so it would be 29 and 30 January?
Looking forward to receiving your quick input on this matter
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