I’m attaching minutes of the last ASO AC teleconference
New Action Item 220706-1: The Secretariat to create a section on the wiki for all members of the AC to leave their comments during the ASO AC Procedures Review.
New Action Item 220706-2: The Secretariat to prepare a matrix of visa requirements that would apply to ASO AC members if traveling to three potential venues for a f2f ASO AC meeting (Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Belgrade) and share it to the mailing list.
Action Item 220511-1: GV to confirm with AFRINIC when a person will be appointed to take the place of Wafa Z. (whose resignation will take effect on 15 May 2022) on the ASO AC. OPEN
Action Item 220309-1: Hervé C. to start preparing a timeline for the core team (Hervé C., Saul S., Mike S., Sander S., Esteban L., James K. and Ricardo P.) to work on the review of the ASO AC Procedures. OPEN
Next Teleconference: Wednesday 3 August 2022
German Valdez