Hi All
Here is a list of all open action items including previous meetings
Action Item 191113-1: ALL to review the notes from the ICANN 66 closed working session and provide feedback, questions and additional comments on the Seat 9/10 Election procedures > IN PROGRESS.
Action Item 191113-2: AS to develop a timeline and process for the items outlined in Action Item 191113-1 > IN PROGRESS.
Action Item 191113-3: AS/GV to inform the ASO AC of sessions of interest to the Numbers community at ICANN 67 as soon as possible > OPEN.
Action Item 191113-4: AS to lead the discussion on the ICANN 67 ASO AC session agenda and scheduling over the next three teleconferences > OPEN.
Action Item 191113-7: AS to circulate the draft Annual Transparency Review before the December Teleconference > IN PROGRESS.
Action Item 191113-8: Secretariat to set up a Confluence site for the ASO AC > IN PROGRESS.
Action 191002-01: GV to open a support ticket with Zoom regarding the recurring issue of no microphone option being available for some users upon joining and report back to the ASO AC on progress > IN PROGRESS.
- New Action Item 191204-1: ALL to review the Draft 2019 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review and provide any feedback by 20 December 2019.
- New Action Item 191204-2: ALL to review the Draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan and provide any feedback before the end of 2019.
- New Action Item 191204-3: AS to send a note to the NRO EC reminding it of the ASO AC Chair Election process and to ask that Board-appointments to the ASO AC occur earlier in the year.
- New Action Item 191204-4: AS to inform the NRO EC that the ASO AC had voted to implement editorial changes to the ASO AC Procedures to update the names of the new mailing lists and ask for approval to implement.
- New Action Item 191204-5: Secretariat to update references to the mailing lists on the ASO AC website once the NRO EC has approved the ASO AC Procedure changes (see Action Item 191204-4).
- New Action Item 191204-6: AS to lead discussion on the Annual Transparency Review during the January ASO AC Teleconference.
- New Action Item 191204-7: GV to open the ASO AC Chair e-voting period as soon as the new ASO AC members had been added to the mailing list in January 2020. The voting period is to be opened by 5 January 2020.
- New Action Item 191204-8: ALL to review and comment on the 2020 teleconference schedule by 11 December.
- New Action Item 191204-9: AS to circulate the ICANN Board Election Process notes on the ac-discuss mailing list.
From: ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of German Valdez german@apnic.net Date: Friday, 10 January 2020 at 6:36 pm To: "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] FW: ASO AC Teleconference Dec 2019: Minutes and Actions
A friendly reminder to review 2019 December minutes and prepare any open action assigned to you.
A draft agenda will be circulated shortly
From: ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org on behalf of Susannah Gray susannah@apnic.net Date: Thursday, 5 December 2019 at 11:15 pm To: "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] ASO AC Teleconference Dec 2019: Minutes and Actions
Dear ASO AC,
Please find attached the minutes from yesterday's teleconference. A list of action items can be found below.
The next ASO AC Teleconference will be held on 15 January 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC.
Open Actions ----------- - New Action Item 191204-1: ALL to review the Draft 2019 ASO AC Work Plan Activity Review and provide any feedback by 20 December 2019. - New Action Item 191204-2: ALL to review the Draft 2020 ASO AC Work Plan and provide any feedback before the end of 2019. - New Action Item 191204-3: AS to send a note to the NRO EC reminding it of the ASO AC Chair Election process and to ask that Board-appointments to the ASO AC occur earlier in the year. - New Action Item 191204-4: AS to inform the NRO EC that the ASO AC had voted to implement editorial changes to the ASO AC Procedures to update the names of the new mailing lists and ask for approval to implement. - New Action Item 191204-5: Secretariat to update references to the mailing lists on the ASO AC website once the NRO EC has approved the ASO AC Procedure changes (see Action Item 191204-4). - New Action Item 191204-6: AS to lead discussion on the Annual Transparency Review during the January ASO AC Teleconference. - New Action Item 191204-7: GV to open the ASO AC Chair e-voting period as soon as the new ASO AC members had been added to the mailing list in January 2020. The voting period is to be opened by 5 January 2020. - New Action Item 191204-8: ALL to review and comment on the 2020 teleconference schedule by 11 December. - New Action Item 191204-9: AS to circulate the ICANN Board Election Process notes on the ac-discuss mailing list.
Kind regards,
Susannah Gray
NRO Secretariat Support