Hi Martin
Today (for some tomorrow 😊 ) , 23 June 11:00 AM UTC, they have their monthly teleconference. The topic is in their agenda.
From: Martin Hannigan hannigan@gmail.com Date: Tuesday, 23 June 2020 at 10:53 am To: German Valdez german@apnic.net Cc: "ac-discuss@aso.icann.org" ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] eVote Result ASO Procedures Changes Section 9.4.1 to
Thank you, German.
When is the NRO EC scheduled to review?
Cheers from Boston,
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 20:33 German Valdez <german@apnic.netmailto:german@apnic.net> wrote: Dear ASO AC
Here are the results of the voting for changes in the ASO Procedures Sections 9.4.1 to
14 Votes received 14 YES (approving procedures changes)
The 4/5 approval threshold is reached. Next step will be the NRO EC to endorse the changes.
Token list:
wbrte YES ycyq5 YES i5775 YES egvtw YES 93uuv YES 24jn7 YES n94ch YES 9hw5k YES khffp YES d99ie YES njv7j YES dwp9z YES 3jjwe YES cjhw8 YES
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