I am writing to report two typos in this document. 1) As in section 'RIR Policy Updates', the last word of the first sentence should have been 'meeting', not a plural one.
2) As in section 'ICANN Board Election Process Review ', the third person singular would be better where 'our' is used in 'The ASO AC updated our procedures.....'
From: German Valdez Date: 2022-01-15 10:11 To: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Subject: [AC-DISCUSS] 2021 ASO AC Transparency Review Last Call for Editing/Comments Dear ASO AC
As per Action Item 220112-3: The ASO AC will have a 7-day period for making modifications or additions to the Annual Transparency Review report, after which there will be a 7-day comments period. If no objections are raised, the report will be approved and published by the Secretariat in 14 days.
This is a last call for comments for the 2021 ASO AC Transparency Review. Document is available in the open section of the ASO Wiki at
This version in based on last document shared KB in the ac-discuss list on 12 January.
Last day for editing: 23 January 2022 Last day for comments: 30 January 2022 Publication date: 31 January 2022