Same here... I missed it too. Still figting with a broken fiber on our main building.
Regards, Jorge -----Mensaje original----- De: AC-DISCUSS [mailto:ac-discuss-bounces@aso.icann.org] En nombre de Ricardo Patara Enviado el: 16 de diciembre de 2021 9:24 AM Para: ac-discuss@aso.icann.org Asunto: Re: [AC-DISCUSS] Zoom Details: Informal Meeting for New ASO AC Members 16 December 2021 12:00 PM UTC
Hi, I am sorry I missed it. Had a last minute appointment impossible to postpone.
Ricardo Patara
On 06/12/2021 07:27, German Valdez wrote:
Thank you for completing the poll to set a date for an informal ASO Session for new ASO AC members
Based on your input the teleconference will take place on Thursday 16 December 2021 at 12:00 PM UTC
https://doodle.com/poll/km47ad6y7dfampw6 https://doodle.com/poll/km47ad6y7dfampw6
Please mark your calendars.
German Valdez
Topic: Informal Meeting for New ASO AC Members
Time: Dec 16, 2021 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC
Join Zoom Meeting
https://apnic.zoom.us/j/92451831291?pwd=Y2kyN2V6UmVyZ0JzbFhrSklqbzhPUT 09
Meeting ID: 924 5183 1291
Password: 764800
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restricted, archive is publicly available.
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_______________________________________________ AC-DISCUSS mailing list - Workspace for ASO AC operations. Posting is restricted, archive is publicly available. AC-DISCUSS@aso.icann.org https://aso.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/ac-discuss